For nearly two years we have met every Tuesday at 9:00 am at 318 Cafe in downtown Excelsior. It's the best little restaurant in town. Awesome homemade soups and sandwiches and unbelievable coffee cake, muffins, scones, and cookies ... I could go on, but.
That's Jill. Jill works every Tuesday morning. She knows our names and our orders. She's a doll. Matty was being uncharacteristically shy when this picture was taken. He owns 318 and he loves the Tuesday morning knitters. Matty's mom makes all the delicious baked goods mentioned above. We love Matty's mom.
This is Brenda and Sue. They are the newest additions to the Tuesday Knitting Group - and by newest I mean they've been with us for about a year. Both wandered in to the shop at times when I needed a friend (they would say the same thing I think). And so, they became Tuesday Knitters. You'll meet the rest of the Tuesday group as we go through the month. Perhaps we'll be able to take advantage of the outdoor patio at 318 next week!