Carole, you saved my butt today! I was awake for a while this morning trying to come up with something to blog about. I'm eleven days into this blog-a-thon and already the ideas are drying up?? So, I got up, did the breakfast routine with Kathryn and had time to read only one blog - yours - before heading off to school. I think it was my chilly feet the whole way there and back that finally gave me the idea. You see, Carole overhauled her yarn stash recently and in so doing realized that she had enough sock yarn for 80 pair of socks; that's 160 feet. If she knit one sock a week, she could go for ... I don't have a calculator here to figure that out.
On the drive home from school I thought I'd do the same - except for the organizing part because it's pretty well organized now. But maybe count my sock yarn stash. I had absolutely no idea how much there would be but I knew it would be no where near Carole's 80 pair of socks. I quickly made my own rules for inclusion and exclusion. Included would be any yarn I bought specifically for socks, such as the two skeins of Noro Silk Garden Lite and Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, that others might not call sock yarn but I do. Excluded would be the partial skeins of sock yarn that have been relegated to the Log Cabin Blanket even though there is probably enough there for a bunch of socks. I had to promise myself to make a thorough and exhausting inventory of all the bins, baskets, nooks and crannies of the stash room. Oops, I forgot a few knitting bags... OK. Got it all.
30 pair, 60 feet! See - no where near Carole's. I'm just a "little" addicted - like being a "little" pregnant (which I'm not). But still - I'd have guessed maybe, 15 pair of socks, 30 feet. Just a "little" off. I dare you all to go count yours and report back. I bet you'll be surprised.
Local note: Check out Connie's article in this month's Yarnival.
See you tomorrow.