Misty was HER pet. Unlike Holli and Tigger who are family pets, Misty was hers. Misty was her responsibility to care for. She lovingly provided food and water for Misty and played with her constantly. The cage cleaning thing required a lot of parental interaction and we weren't very good about that.
We spent the better part of last night and all through the night going through all seven stages of the grieving process. I keep wishing I had found Misty and maybe taken a little bit of the pain away - she keeps seeing her tiny dead body.She's worried that it hurt her to die because Misty looked scared. I tell her it didn't. I tell her that animals instinctively go to a comfortable place (her green exercise wheel) to lay down and die and that they die peacefully. Nature then takes over with their bodies. She asks what we will do with Misty. I tell her Daddy put Misty in a safe place and we can bury her and have funeral or whatever she wants. No, she says, I don't want a funeral. That sounds babyish. Maybe I'll just bury her by myself. Now I'm choking back my own sobs.
It's morning. We've each had about three hours of sleep. Jon got more. It seems fair though. He usually has to clean up barf. I'll take the emotional clean-up. This morning over breakfast she's thinking of names for the new hamster. Bubbles,she says. Welcome to stage eight.
April 2006 - May 2007