I'm interrupting Fiber Friday for a few pictures (and summary) from yesterdays year-end festivities at St. Therese. I arrived at the end of Field Day which, based on the appearance of all the children must have included nothing but water games. 400 wet children. Not just damp, but soaking wet, filthy children. Lunch was served promptly at 10:00 AM - in the morning - pretty much just after I had finished breakfast. In order to avoid whatever catastrophe occurred last year, the Family Picnic Planners had us declare our lunch selection way back in, like, April. I apparently declared a cheeseburger. I discovered however, a flaw in the system when I got to the food line and saw that there was no way they could enforce my choice. However, it's a Catholic school. And really, do you want a hot dog at 10:00 in the morning any more than a cheeseburger?? And yes, I realize too that they couldn't force me to eat anything - but I had paid for it - way back in, like, April!!!
The BFFs - Ella, Maggie, Kenzie
And while the parents ate their lunches - alone - on the grass, the children ran wildly around, ignoring their parents. I'm left wondering why we call this the "Family Picnic". I caught this young man, we'll call him, "John" (because that's his name) trying to get down off the car before his mom found him happily sitting atop it. He was unsuccessful. His mom hopes that "John" will one day grow up to marry Kathryn. He has kind of a cute butt!! And a devilish grin!!