Ooooh, scones. With chocolate chips added. Because you know the rule, anything worth baking is worth adding chocolate chips to!
Well, who would have guessed - friends with knitting!! Let's see, we have Becky (worked at the yarn store with her), Brenda (from the Tuesday Knitting Group), and Shauna (adopting Lou from Guatemala).
Becky is showing off her gorgeous "Garden of Eden" shawl. She's wearing in a wedding in Texas next weekend. It's absolutely stunning in person - not bad here either.
Kathryn is giving Brenda's Debbie Bliss afghan a trial run. We tried to keep this here for us, but Brenda was not in to all that noise.
It's just 2:00 in the afternoon and my pals who arrived at 9:00 this morning just left. It's still 65 degrees and damp and dreary outside. But inside, my house it's warm and sunny with the memories of a wonderful morning and afternoon spent with my dearest friends, knitting and laughing and sharing stories of our kids and husbands and our lives. Sometimes, being a "no-life-housewife" is the best job in the whole wide world!
Have a great weekend.