5th Grade
Here is a normal, average 5th grade girl off to her first day of school. Usually this picture includes the dog, but Holli would not cooperate as I had the leash in my hand indicating a walk was imminent. Kathryn is feeling just a bit ripped-off because of her school situation. She attends a K-8 private parochial school. Around here, most of the elementary schools are K-5. "If I were in public school, I'd be the big kid and this would be my last year!" As it happens in her school, all you get in 5th grade is to be the oldest kid in one wing of the school - and your own locker. It's really tragic isn't it? To think her father and I would deprive her of so much by paying above and beyond what we already pay in taxes for her education.
For me, this is the first time in 4 years that I am not returning to my part-time job. It worries me some to think about this much free time. However, I firmly believe that these next few years are the most important years ever to be here 100% for Kathryn - to be available to listen (or to just listen in), to be available to talk, laugh, cry - whatever. To remind myself that I now have THE most important full-time job ever, I bought this little trinket and I wear it every day. Please tell me I'm right....