Stashquisitions and a New Friend
It's Crazy Days in our little town of Excelsior. That means street sales and street sales mean merchants puts all their crap in the street and try to sell it. True even for our local yarn store. Difference being, for knitters, there's really no such thing as crap yarn.
Outside . . .

. . . and inside too.
I came away with just a little bit of yumminess. Six skeins of Noro "Sakura" in colorway 4. Not sure what it wants to be, but perhaps a little lap blanket for the new blue and bedroom is in order. See the tag that first says $9.50, then the red tag that says $6.65? Then remember that this is the store where I used to work.
Some beautiful Mountain Colors "Bearfoot" in Tamarack. What's that peaking over the top? Ooooh two more skeins which refuse to be photographed. Hmmmm - wonder why? Could it be they are destined to be gifted? Why yes, it's true. Stay hidden now. Can't really see that tag, but it says $21.50
Total damage $60.75. Oh, but wait. That is so totally not the best part of my morning. The word "SALE" brings even the meekest of people out from behind the blog. By pre-arrangement I met the lovely and charming Guinifer and we shopped together. You, my dear, should never have any doubts about venturing out and meeting other knitters in any kind of setting. You can hold your own and are a delight to spend time with. I only wish we had more. We also ran into Rani who left before we could get a photo. She only had an hour with a mom home babysitting. I remember those days well.
Yarn sales make girls smile! By the way - sale continues through Saturday!!