Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

I'm checking out for a bit. Kathryn and I leave this afternoon for San Diego. Tomorrow afternoon we will drive up to LA with my sister and her family to meet up with Jon and the rest of my entire extended family. There are big doings going on out there! My baby brother Dennis (all of 42!) is marrying his beloved Helen on Saturday. He is last of the six siblings to get married and so for my folks this must be a bittersweet celebration.
We all adore Helen but think she must be quite mad for wanting to marry into this mess of two parents, six children, 5 spouses, and 9 grandchildren that we call the "Endy Family".

But on the bright side, she does get me for a sister-in-law.

To Denny and Helen - we can't wait to be with you, to share this weekend with you. I know it's been a stressful few weeks months but it will all be over soon! And you will be sharing a life together. But first - let's party!!

"For wherever two or more of you are gather in his name, there is love, there is love."

Kathryn and I will then head back down to San Diego to spend a week with mySister and her family. Back on the 27th of June!