Monday, May 19, 2008

Blog Brag

I have to take today and brag about Kid's College. I was dreading this event. It was a ton of work and I really thought that the kids wouldn't quite appreciate the curriculum - much less the effort. I was wrong. It was great fun. Of course I only had a fully charged camera for the second day and So I missed the Middle School. But the Elementary School day was better for pictures.

We had our local police on hand to talk to the about safety and 9-1-1 and stranger danger. The kids got to play in the cruiser, sound the siren and flash the lights. And really, isn't a always a hoot to see a sister driving a cruiser. That's our beloved Sr. Lucy. She wants us to sent this home to her family in India. I hope they have a sense of humor. "Hey kids, how many of you have seen your mom and dad back here?" kept ringing through my head.

Just in time for the New Indiana Jones movie, we brought in a real archaeologist and the kids dug for buried treasure in boxes of sand. He even had a British accent.

There were some high flying kicks thanks to a local Karate studio and some high flying kites thanks to a school mom - volunteers both! Um, why yes, that is my daughter flying that kite. My program, my kid in the picture.

Two craft classes, sewing and scrap booking (taught by our own blogger, Connie) which produced some awesome results. And - boys attended both!! I think that teaching this class was the best part of Connie's very hard day. Please pop over give her kitty hugs on the loss of her beloved Miss Ellie

A "Dog Whisperer" was on hand to teach basics of dog safety and dog training. Um, why yes, that's my dog and my dog whisperer. Ah, nepotism. I believe in hiring the best.

"Fun with Food" - or - "Am I Really Gonna Have to Eat That??"
A total surprise was the city recycling manager who brought lots of examples of things made from items which can (and should) be recycled. His giveaways were awesome - pencils made from recycled jeans, or money and or plastic!

A yoga class to help them through their stressful day!

And finally, a visit from the Animal Humane Society. A strategic error. Gather all the small kids for a 50 minute presentation by this lovely young lady. Start off with a few opening comments about who they are, what they do etc. Then ask if the kids have any questions before she gets started.

Anyone know what the question is?

Yeah - "What's in the cage?" For 45 minutes. That's all they wanted to know. It drove them nuts. They could hear it and smell it and it was killing them. "What's in the cage?" "When can we see what's in the cage" "Will we be able ti pet what ever is in the cage?"
It was a great two days. I'm glad they had fun and even learned some stuff. Thanks for letting me brag.