Me: What is your favorite thing about my knitting?
Mr.: It seems to make you happy and it is oddly social.
Me: What is your least favorite thing about my knitting?
You: unfinished projects in every nook and cranny of our home and car (Didn't think I knew about that one, did you?). (Me: emergency sock knitting!)
Me: What is something I have knitted that you recall as being good?
You: The blanket. It's big and finished and looked complicated and it is useful. I will never appreciate the socks, sorry. (Me: big afghan knit in different squares out of Red Heart. It's 8 years old! It's quite hideous.)
Me: Do you think knitters have an expensive hobby?
You: Not compared to jet aircraft collectors.
Me: Do you have any hobbies?
You: I think so. (Me: he THINKS so????)
Me: What are your hobbies?
You: Electronic gadgetry, home improvement.
Me: So, if we compared money/time spent on hobbies, who would win?
You: I think you would. (Me: I'm good with time but I think that John Deere tractor trumps all the yarn I currently own!)
Me: Do you have a stash of any kind?
You: I'm sure my tools and bins of electronic components would count. (Me: WTF?)
Me: Has my knitting in public ever embarrassed you?
You: Only when you were drunk at the same time. (Me: guilty!)
Me: Can you name another knitting blog?
You: No. Are there any?
Me: Do you mind that I want to check out yarn stores everywhere we go?
You: No if you did, but you don't. I wish you would send me on some scavenger hunts when I travel. I think that would be fun. (Me: Where should I send him in the Boston area - he's staying out in Marlborough?)
Me: Do you understand the importance of a swatch?
You: I'm a Movado guy.
Me: Do you read WoundTooTight?
You: Occasionally.
Me: Why or why not?
You: To find out what goes on in that head of yours.
Me: Have you ever left a comment?
You: No.
Me: Why or why not?
You: I'm afraid I will have to register for something and think up another user name and password. I am currently at my lifetime limit.
Me: Do you think the house would be cleaner if I didn't knit?
You: Not sure how that would make the cleaning lady come more frequently.
Me: Is there anything else you want to say?
You: Hi Jeanne (now blogless) and Chris!
And because he's gone and you saw him last week - how about a few parting shots.
So long Tara - we love you and miss you already!!