Go Crusaders!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Girls and Volleyball Rule!
Tomorrow is the last two matches of the season for the 5th grade girls volleyball team and I find myself almost sad about it. They've come quite a long way from last year where all they had to do was get a serve over the net to win a point and likewise, because they couldn't return a serve, the same was true for the opposing team.
This year they've learned a few new skills and had some exciting volleys and some very close matches. They've won all but one match for a record of 7 - 1. The girls come together as a team on Saturdays - even though during the week they have many different personalities.
We like volleyball because it's inside, on cold, rainy fall Saturday mornings. We are warm and toasty, while the parents of the kids who chose to play soccer - not so much. Sometimes we look outside at them and take off our sweaters and fan ourselves as if to say ... "Gosh, it's so nice in here! And look at you all huddled up out there on the wet, cold soccer field.!" But I digress.
Thanks for a great year Coach Brad! You've done a great job with these girls and we are ever so thankful to you!
Go Crusaders!
Go Crusaders!