No snakes. Nary a one. Just the softest, cutest little guy you ever saw.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Picture This
Now we are home. In Minnesota. Where I'm generally more sensible about my clothing and appearance. So I wait until Tuesday to wear the new jeans out in public. Knitting group - no one laughed. In fact, I even had to point out that they were new jeans. Perhaps the new really cute top caught their attention first?
Piano lessons. This might be a good time to mention that the jeans are for a person about 6'5" tall. In order to wear my new jeans, I have to fold them up about six inches (What? I've seen it done!!!) and I wear boots. I bring my piano books, Kathryn's piano books, her basketball and dance stuff and my knitting bag with me to piano. My piano lessons are in the basement of the church/school where Kathryn goes. Down 16 steps. In boots and rolled up jeans. Where a boot heel could easily get caught in a cuff and....
Do you still need the camera?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tell & Tell

But alas, my camera left me in San Diego and went on to better places without me. Is this the Sydney Opera House?? If not, then Mr. is in some serious trouble!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Checking Out
We are having our hardwood floors re-finished starting this morning. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be a new "dust free" process. I'm not completely buying that and I know that Holli will be freaked by the whole process so off the animals will go early this morning to their vacation spot at my father-in-law's. He won't know this until he reads it here or until I show up with the animals in tow. Sorry Dad - I know it's a day earlier than you had planned but it's just too loud and messy here.
Oh - and we are leaving for San Diego for the Thanksgiving holiday with the sister's family tomorrow. Blogging is not likely to occur between now and next Monday when Kate and I return (and Jon is somewhere in Australia!).
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday - full of all of life's rich bounty. One of the many reasons my life is richer is the presence of my blogging pals in my life. I am so very thankful for the friendships of each and every one of you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
We Made It
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
He truly is a man of few words - but was thrilled that you all checked in on his special day. Next up travel-wise, he will abandon us while we are all in San Diego for Thanksgiving to travel to Australia, come home for a week and then on to Berlin. Looks like Kathryn and I should stock up on cereal and noodles.
In other traveler news, I forgot that the post offices were closed yesterday when I left packages at the after-hours drop off. Oops! He doesn't look very happy at all does he? Lucky for us, he remembered where the breakfast stool was and sat right down next to Kathryn for his morning whine.
Wonder what's left in the box for kmkat?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Your long-awaited prize package is finally in the mail. I had to find the proper sized box.
He eats at 5:00 AM and 6:00 PM. And talks quite a lot. Enjoy.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Even the Stars are at Odds
Capricorn: Others expect you to create on demand. If you can master this skill, you'll be paid incredibly well. The pinch of a deadline makes you work to capacity. You get it all done because you must get it all done.
Ha!! Take that Flower Basket Shawl! You shall be whatever size I want because my horoscope says that I can do it all!
Capricorn Daily OM Horoscope: Time to Consider
You may feel uncertain today, especially if you are faced with a choice that could have a major impact on your future. Perhaps you have the option of changing the nature of one of your relationships or the choice to take a new direction in some area of your life. If you are faced with many options and are unsure of how to proceed, consider giving yourself plenty of time to think. If someone is waiting for your response, feel free to say today that you need time to make up your mind. You may even want to make a list of the pros and cons of each choice. Or, you can simply sit and listen to how your body responds to your options as you mull them over. Your indecisiveness may also stem from the fact that it isn’t the right time for you to make a decision.
On the other hand, maybe I'll just think about it for a little while longer and try to decide......
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Get Me to The Church on Time
We've been working together for about 2 weeks and the really hard work is just now setting in. More stitches every row, the edging, the bind off, the blocking, the parting.
I knew you'd take her side. She always wins. Fine - small shawl it is. Mom always liked her best.
Lorna's Laces; Helen's Lace; Color 107 - Red Rover
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
The sun rising over the lake on a cool, crisp morning with a dog standing by your side with a leash in her mouth. Clearly she has a different plan for this morning.
Kathryn's playhouse. 12 x 12, 2 story, with heat, satellite, cable, Internet, intercom, phone, electricity. If it only had running water........
Kathryn's bed. Sometimes after I've dropped her off at school at the unthinkable hour of 7:30, I come home and climb into her bed for a while where it's still warm and smells like her. And then I think I'll remember to tell her that it's time to start taking daily showers.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Boo Hoo Hoo!
So, she being the perfect child, and knowing the rules of the house ("No Skanky Costumes!!"), she opted for "Baby". People like to give babies candy - total haul was 174 pieces of yummy candy. I get all the Reeses and Butterfingers! Yessss!!