Carole, you have given them everything they need; wings to fly and a place called "home" to which they can return from time to time.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
What a Heel
I can be very stubborn at times. For instance, not trying to find better light when taking these photos this morning and trying to execute a short-row heel on a toe-up sock. I've tried any number of times and had mixed results; the kind where it looks sloppy but you keep it because it's not bad enough to rip out and start over. Or they end up uneven because you've miscounted and shorted one end of the heel. So last night I sat down with the Summer 2007 Interweave Knits and the Toe-Up Socks tutorial and worked the short-row heel outlined in Ann Budd's excellent article (now torn out and stuffed in my sock bag thank you very much).
The heel is Priscilla A. Gibson-Robert's from Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy. It's a bit futsy in that you have to remember backwards yarn overs and regular yarn overs and purling three together through the back loops. However, once you get past those hurdles, it's very simple and the results are quite lovely.

In other heel news, yesterday I managed to crash both of the computers dedicated to humans in our house (there are numerous other computers in the house which have other functions but humans aren't allowed to play with them). Something with a recent McAfee download took us out of service. Sooooo, if you sent an e-mail, posted a blog, etc, I tried really hard to get back to you but to no avail. I even tried to use my PDA but it is painfully slow so at some point I gave up. There were some blogs I saw in passing and am going to try to find again today. The one that really comes to mind that I know I didn't get to say anything to was Carole's moving "moving away" post so I'll say it here:
Carole, you have given them everything they need; wings to fly and a place called "home" to which they can return from time to time.
Carole, you have given them everything they need; wings to fly and a place called "home" to which they can return from time to time.